Server Side Includes (SSI) is a basic server-side language, which allows you to incorporate text from a given source inside a website. In the most widespread situation, the text from one file is integrated in a different one, providing a site the feeling that it is dynamic. For example, if your site consists of 10 webpages, five of them can easily have the content of some file, like horoscope.txt. In case you alter this text file, the updated content will appear on all of the five pages, which shall permit you to update your site much easier than if you had to change an element of all 5 pages. Server Side Includes is sometimes used to include the output of simple commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that's shown on the website, the current date and time or the visitor's IP address. Every webpage that utilizes SSI will need to have a special extension - .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Shared Website Hosting

All the Linux shared website hosting packages we provide support Server Side Includes, so you're able to add dynamic elements to your static site that you host on our cloud platform. By creating a blank .htaccess file and typing in some lines of code in it, you're able to activate SSI for a domain name or perhaps a subdomain. The file concerned needs to be inside the exact folder where you will use SSI and you'll find the code within our Frequently Asked Questions section, and that means you don't need any coding experience. The 24/7 tech support staff will also be in a position to assist you with activating Server Side Includes if you aren't sure how to proceed. You should furthermore remember to modify the extension of all files that will use SSI from .html to .shtml and ensure that the links on your website point to the proper files.